Welcome to the Be Well Family Care Store

Introducing Telemedicine Visits!

To facilitate continued social distancing during the Coronavirus Pandemic, we are now offering Phone/Telemedicine visits for ALL visits. If you have an appointment currently scheduled, we will be turning this into a Telemedicine Visit. Please DO NOT come into the office. This is to protect you, our staff, and to reduce the spread of illness. If you feel, that you need to be seen in the office for your appointment, please call us. 

For these appointments we now have a new Telemedicine system that allows us to talk and see one another during visits. 

This page is going to provide some additional information on how to use our new Telemedicine system! 

When your appointment is scheduled, you will get an email with a link to a video meeting. You can use a computer that has a webcam or your smart phone to join this meeting. We have found these appointments go so much better when the provider can see you and you can see us. 

When you click on the link, the phone/computer will do everything for you. If it asks for permission to use your camera/microphone, all you have to do is click ALLOW.

Phone/Telemed visits are easy! Here is how it will go: 
  1. A nurse will call you (on the phone) at your scheduled time and will take your health history just like in a normal office visit. They will then let you know when to click on the link from your email and help if you are having any issues. 
  2. Your provider will then join you in the web meeting and will be able to discuss your concerns, go over labs if applicable and answer any questions. 
    • If possible, it is very helpful if you can have your patient portal pulled up so that you can look at labs simultaneously with your provider. 
  3. At the end of your appointment, the provider will end the meeting. Shortly after, a staff member call you again on the phone to take your payment, gather your supplements for shipment, and make your follow up appointment, just like checking out after an in-office appointment.
* Please note that because we cannot perform a physical exam during a phone consult/telemed appointment, there are some conditions and diagnoses that the provider cannot make during a phone consultation.

This is what your meeting would look like using a smart phone. For using a computer with a webcam, it is very similar. 

Our telemed system is brand new - to us and to our EMR, so please know there may be hiccups as we all figure this out together. Fortunately, our this telemed system is HIPAA compliant and fully integrated with our Electronic Medical Record system, so the providers can be talking with you while also having full and easy access to your chart. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your Telemed appointment, please give us a call. 

BILLING: Phone Consultations/Telemedicine Visits will be billed the same as a typical visit at Be Well Family Care and will include two parts: The Functional Medicine Fee & the portion billed to insurance. 
  • The Functional Medicine Fee* is $100 per visit. This portion is not billable to insurance as it is for our functional medicine knowledge. 
  • The second part of the visit is billed to the patient's insurance carrier. We will bill your insurance company for the portion of the visit that is billable to insurance according to the rules of the ICD-10 Billing Coding System. You are then responsible for anything they do not cover like non-covered services, copays, and deductibles. 
    • Insurance companies have traditionally not covered telemedicine, but it has become increasingly more common and during this time of crisis, some insurance companies are making exceptions and the government has issued guidance that they should be covered for now. However, because this is new to healthcare and there are many uncertainties, please know that insurance companies MAY NOT cover this portion of your visit and we cannot make any guarantees regarding your coverage. 
    • If you would prefer NOT to have your insurance billed for your phone consult, you do have the option to pay cash for this portion of your visit. In that case, we will extend a 50% discount on these Office Visit Charges. 
*Your provider may choose to do an Acute Visit (sick visit) with you by phone consult. In these cases we will waive the Functional Fee.