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GlutaShield Powder Ortho Molecular 30 servings

Regular price $47.90 Sale

A healthy gastrointestinal (GI) tract has an epithelial mucosal barrier that prevents the passage of food antigens (proteins), toxins, and microorganisms from crossing into the bloodstream. Stress, overconsumption of alcohol, food intolerance, microbial imbalance and poor nutrition can affect the integrity of the epithelial barrier. The health of the GI tract is dependent on the modulation of these factors.

The ingredients in GlutaShield help regenerate and maintain GI enterocytes while supporting the health of the intestinal mucosal barrier. 

Suggested Use:

Mix 1 scoop (6.9 grams) of GlutaShield with water or the beverage of your choice, once daily or as recommended by your health care professional