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GROUP VISIT Teens/Young Adults Can Cook - How do I feed Myself? - July 25

GROUP VISIT Teens/Young Adults Can Cook - How do I feed Myself? - July 25

Regular price $40.00 Sale

Teens/Young Adults Can Cook - How do I feed Myself? 

**This class is intended for ages 14-24, but is open to ANYONE!!

You know you are supposed to eat vegetables and that healthy food is good for you, but do you know how to actually plan and prepare healthy meals?  It is so convenient to grab a box of macaroni and cheese or a frozen pizza, but it really doesn’t take that much longer to prepare much healthier options. Join Swathi Rao and Be Well Staff as we share some of our favorite go-to recipes and learn some basic food preparation skills to help you take good care of YOU!

Date: July 25
Time: 6:30-8:00pm
Location: Be Well Family Care 
Cost: $40.00 Cash Pay or Billed to Your Insurance*
*Free for Stay Well Members 
*$40 Cash Pay for Non-patients